Axle, CV Joint & Driveshaft Repair

We are the trusted experts in CV Axle Inspection, proudly serving our customers in Trenton, NJ, Hamilton, NJ, Ewing, NJ, and surrounding areas.

CV Axle Inspection

Signs of a bad CV axle to look for include: squeaking that increases with speed, vibrations that increase with speed, & vibrating floorboards. These signs mean your CV axle should be inspected by our mechanics. A CV axle inspection may help keep big repairs or replacements at bay. Contact us today!

CV Axle Replacement

The CV axle assembly over time will wear out due to its flexibility & the severe conditions it endures. Signs to look for : feeling hesitation on the wheels of your vehicle or resistance while turning.Driving your vehicle with a damaged CV axle will only wear out other components & lead to more expensive repairs. At the 1st sign of trouble, don’t wait to contact Autoboys llc for a CV axle replacement service.Contact us today!

We proudly service the CV Boot Replacement needs of customers in Trenton, NJ, Hamilton, NJ, Ewing, NJ, and surrounding areas.

CV Boot Replacement

CV joints connect the transmission to the wheels & are a critical part of your vehicle’s drive axles. A CV boot houses & protects a CV joint by keeping out dirt, and other elements while keeping it lubricated. Meaning any splits in the CV boot will lead to a loss of lubrication causing metal on metal contact wearing down your CV joints rapidly. CV boot replacement will keep the CV joint properly lubricated to achieve a good transfer of motion from the transmission to the wheels. Overlooking routine inspections of the CV boot will lead to more expensive repairs over time. Contact us today!

We proudly service the CV Joint Replacement needs of customers in Trenton, NJ, Hamilton, NJ, Ewing, NJ, and surrounding areas.

CV Joint Replacement

When a CV joint loses lubrication, the moving metal parts rub one another & will degrade over time. Signs that a CV joint may require a replacement are noises, vibrations,& loss of acceleration. Without the proper amount of lubrication the internal CV joint parts will face excessive wear. If you notice a sign of a damaged CV joint and it’s not promptly replaced, the minor issue will cause more damage to your vehicle and lead to expensive repairs in the future. Replacing your damaged CV joint now is cheaper than the major repairs you will face if left untreated. Contact us today!

Driveshaft Balance Trenton NJ

Driveshaft Balance

Balancing your driveshaft will provide a smooth driveline operation & prevent dangerous and damaging effects of an out-of-balance driveshaft. The most common sign of the driveshaft being out of balance is a vibration. If you feel a vibration coming from your vehicle’s driveshaft, immediately contact us so we can diagnose the type of vibrations happening and determine the correct repair procedure. We are proud to offer superior customer service and expert advice on basic driveshaft maintenance. Contact us today!

U-Joint replacement near me Trenton NJ

U-Joint replacement

 The primary job of a u-joint is to transfer the rotational force between the transmission, the driveshaft, and the differentials, as they’re responsible for turning your drive wheels. U -joints are flexible couplings & are a critical linking component. Warning signs to look for that indicate that your u-joints require replacement include; clicking, squeaking, and grinding noises.Also vibrations and rattling noises are key indicators of a faulty u-joint.Replacing your u-joint is cheaper than the major repairs you will face if a worn u-joint is left untreated.Contact us today!

Yoke Replacement in Trenton NJ

Yoke Replacement

Does one of your yokes need a replacement? Here are some signs to look for. Clunking noises often relate to a problem with your vehicle’s yokes. Also vibrations coming from under the floorboard of your vehicle may signal a damaged yoke. Under alot of stress, a yoke can snap completely. The transmission may even twist the yoke. Yokes that are broken, bent, and twisted need to be replaced immediately. If you are noticing any of the signs above, contact us today for your vehicle’s driveshaft assembly inspection and possibly a yoke replacement service. Contact us today!

Your vehicle’s axle, CV joint, and driveshaft components are critical to the performance and drive of your vehicle. Your vehicle’s driveshaft is a steel/aluminum cylindrical part that connects the transmission to the rear differential. The driveshaft is connected to the transmission through the CV joints, their job is transferring the torque from the transmission to the drive wheels at a constant speed. Front wheel drive vehicles use CV joints on the front axles. CV joints allow the axle to bend and change while accommodating the bounce of the wheels. The axle bears the weight of the vehicle while also being strong enough to sustain the forces from braking and accelerating. Over time and through normal use, your vehicle’s axle, CV joint, and driveshaft components may require maintenance or replacement services.

Benefits of Axle, CV Joint & Driveshaft Repair

These are the signs to look for when deciding when to schedule an inspection of your vehicle’s front axle, rear axle, CV joints, and driveshaft components:

  • Clunking or clicking noises indicates that the CV joint needs replacement. 

  • Vibrations during acceleration may be signs of a damaged driveshaft, but they may also point to an axle issue depending on your vehicle’s setup

  • Turning and steering problems may also surface with driveshaft issues. 

  •  Grease leaking out of a damaged CV boot can cause the CV joints to go bad. 

There are various factors for how rapidly your vehicle’s axle, CV joint, and driveshaft components will deteriorate over time. If you would like more information about the ranges between repairs for front wheel drive axles, main driveshafts, CV joints, U-joints, yokes, and other axle assembly components, then contact us today.

Autoboys LLC proudly serves the needs of Axle, CV Joint & Driveshaft Repair , customers in Trenton, NJ, Hamilton, NJ, Ewing, NJ, and surrounding areas.